[Others] [펀데이코리아네트웍스] 외국인 대상 무료 공연 관람 및 팸투어 모집
- 외국인유학생지원팀
- Hit294
- 2024-09-26
안녕하세요, 펀데이코리아네트웍스입니다.
프로그램 안내
- 넌버벌 공연 ‘페인터즈’, ‘점프’ 관람: 언어를 초월하여 한국의 아름다움을 표현하는 넌버벌공연을 무료로 관람할 수 있는 기회를 외국인 관람객 200명 이상에게 제공합니다.
- 전라남도 여행: 유네스코 세계문화유산으로 지정된 순천만 국가정원, 아름다운 자연 도시 담양등 총 7개 지역을 무료로 방문하여 후기를 작성할 외국인 유학생을 모집합니다.
- 안성시 남사당 바우덕이 축제 참여: 유네스코 인류무형문화유산으로 지정된 남사당놀이를 직접체험하고, 한국 전통 문화의 역동성을 느낄 수 있는 팸투어를 외국인 160명과 함께합니다.
**모든 프로그램은 웹사이트에서 신청 가능합니다.
Program Details
1. Non-verbal Performance: The Painters
- Dates: September 28(Sat), October 5(Sat), October 12(Sat),October 20(Sun), October 26(Sat), November 2(Sat), November 9(Sat),November 16(Sat)
- Target: 30 international students and residents per session
- Benefits: Free performance
- Details: Experience the mesmerizing world of "The Painters," a non-verbal performance that has captivated audiences in 122 cities across 19 countries. Watch as paintings come to life on canvas through stunning brushstrokes and dynamic movements.
2. Non-verbal Performance: JUMP
- Date: October 9 (Wed)
- Target: 250 international students and residents
- Benefits: Free performance, souvenirs, and prize giveaways
- Details: Witness the breathtaking fusion of taekwondo and acrobatics in "JUMP," hailed by Edinburgh Fringe Festival Artistic Director Kutz as Korea's finest performance.
3. Jeollanam-do Travel
- Dates: September 28 (Sat) - October 13 (Sun) / October 26 (Sat) - 27 (Sun)
- Target: 30 international students and residents
- Benefits: Free independent travel and fam tour
- Details: Enjoy a self-guided tour of Damyang, Suncheon, Gurye, Yeonggwang, Jangseong, Naju, and Hwasun in Jeollanam-do. Following the trip, participants will write reviews and join the Global Influencer Festival fam tour.
4. Ansung Namhansanseong Baudeogi Festival
- Date: October 3 (Thu)
- Target: 160 international students and residents
- Benefits: Free festival performance, lunch, etc.
- Details: Experience the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage, Namhansanseong Namsadang Nori, and immerse yourself in the rich traditions of Korean culture. This fam tour aims to promote Korea's cultural heritage and offer a unique cultural experience to foreigners.