Course Registration
How to do course registration and standard
- Finding courses can be conducted on electrical timetable on GLS, and actual course registration should be conducted on the site only for course registration(
- The standard for the lecture application is not a subject, but a course. Therefore, if the same subject is opened in several classes (divisions), you must select a specific class and apply for that class exactly, and if you participate in the class in a different class from the class you registered, you cannot receive credits and grades even if the contents of the class are the same as the instructor
Term for Course Registration
- Electrical timetable: able to look for information about courses
- Course bag: It is similar to the cart in online shopping. With a course bag, a student can add the courses he/she wants to take maximum to his available total credits+6 credits. Also, he/she can check the day, time of class and the remains
- Syllabus: Check textbooks, book references, assessment methods and type of the class
Procedure of a Course Registration
1. "Courses" on GLS: Check Notice on "Courses" Menu
2. Electrical Timetable: years/semester/Campus,Major,Subjects
3. Choose the lessons you want to take: Refer the time, classrroom, brief introduction of the lesson, and syllabus
4. Take the courses on courses bag: Available total Credits + 3 credits, Week timetable
5. Move on and Login Sugang website(
6. Load Courses bag: load the courses you bought from "Electrical Timetable"
7. Register the courses: Click "Registration" button to register courses
Additional Credit Allowance for Students with Excellent Grades (Undergraduate)
- If you take more than 15 credits without failing (3rd/4th year students from the College of Confucian Studies, College of Liberal Arts, College of Social Sciences, College of Economics, and School of Business take more than 12 credits) and get a GPA of 4.00 or higher, you can take an additional 3 credits the following semester.
- The additional credit allowance will automatically be provided and students can use it even after a leave of absence. If you can’t find the extra 3 credits in your GLS, please contact your administrative office.
- If your GPA is 4.00 or higher in the 8th semester, you need to pay the additional tuition fee for the 3 extra credits you received.
Restriction on Applicable credits for Students with lack of Korean Language Proficiency
- For international students newly admitted as freshmen after the 2016 academic year, he/she must submit certificate of TOPIK level 4 or above to OISS until 3rd semester finishes(Jun.30/Dec.31). If one fails to do so, maximum credits the student can apply per semester will be restricted to 12credits.(Exemptions for English Track students)
Credits Carried Over (Undergraduate)
Due to a discrepancy between applicable credits and credits actually used, there can be 1 or 2 leftover credits each semester. Students are allowed to carry over leftover credits the following semester. (Undergraduate only)
- Leftover Credit: 2 or Less (3 or More cannot be carreid over as there are enough to take course at that moment)
- The leftover Credit can be used only in the following regular semester (cannot be carried over to Summer/Winter semester)
- If his/her GPA in the previous semester is lower than 2.5 (including F), he/she cannot benefit from the credits carried over.
- If the carried over credits are not used in the following semester, they will be eliminated automatically.
- It is not applicable to a holdover or a student who registered for his/her extra regular semester (9 semester or more).
- The leftover credits due to a course drop, course withdrawal, grade withdrawal, or additional credit allowance cannot be carried over.